



 These sites were manuelly made with Win-98 Notepad. Grafik is an own production and were made with Micrografx Windows Draw 6 and Paint Shop Pro 9.  Internetsuplier is Loopia.se. J.Hoffrén, Karlskoga


WELCOME TO HOFFREN.SE!  This website contains freeprograms for PC, everything that is needed for a well functioning PC and all for free! Right now are currently about 80 programs. TTF-fonts with swedish Å,Ä,Ö-signs, wich are freeware. BMI = Body Mass Index. Links to different companies and authorities. Pictures of the cat Figaro who is of the breed British Shorthair.. Pictures from our private garden at Stackfallet in Karlskoga. Pictures from Gran Canaria: Puerto Rico and San Agustin. Pictures from Pakistan, Karachi. Games that are javascript related, good to have during rainy days ore when your boss has gone away. About the Hoffrén Family. The site is continiously updated.  Welcome!

The hard part is not to age, it goes by itself.
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Brief information about myself: I lived the first 25 years of my life in Finland, in a place that was also officially my birthplace*. The place was Pelkosenniemi and my village was Saunavaara. The year was 1970 when I set off for Sweden. So began my journey towards Karlskoga and a new job at Bofors AB. Travel and the daily allowance were paid by the new employer. I worked in different positions at Bofors, started in the forge and the next place was a large workshop inside a mountain called Boåsberg where mechanics for various weapons and ammunition were manufactured. I was there for 7 years and then I moved to Björkbo industrial area (Nobelverken). This area was founded once upon a time by Alfred Nobel (the father of the Nobel Prize) and produced e.g. gunpowder, chemistry and weapon systems. Here I worked e.g. in quality control duties and was also abroad a few times. The company also provided a lot of training, which took place during paid working hours. In the department where I worked, very effective anti-aircraft and anti-tank missiles were manufactured. I worked until 2005 when I retired. We have lived in Sweden for more than 54 years so far (2024). Now my wife and I are spending well-deserved retirement days, also all our 3 children live in Sweden. Taking care of a single-family house and a small garden takes quite a long time and I have noticed that everything goes slower now that you are a little older. Computers, websites, collecting cameras and photography are my main hobbies and I also spend several hours on them every day. I also collect nostalgia, various items from the 1940s to the 1980s.
*Actually, I was born in Middle Ostrobothnia in a place called Toholampi (in Jarvenoja sauna in Laitala!) during the war in Lapland, when my family was evacuated there.

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